Safety features for your kids when at home

Every parent can agree that it is not an easy task to raise a child when everything around us may prove to be life-threatening and dangerous. Even though having a baby is one of the most beautiful things in life, it is certain that every new parent has to deal with a bit of anxiety concerning the safety of the child sooner or later. From checking up on the newborn when sleeping in the crib to following its every move as soon as the crawling starts, the life of a parent proves to be a difficult and stressful one. Fortunately, there are some quick and clever ways to ensure that the child is as safe as possible when at home. So, here are the smartest ways to get rid of some potential hazards and make your home as child-friendly as it can get. Remember to thank us later!

1. Safer baby crib

If you have a newborn or a toddler in your household, then you probably own a crib as well. However, did you know that conventional cribs can prove to be extremely dangerous for more active babies? To make sure that everything is as safe as possible, choose a crib with narrow bars. The reason for this is that many traditional cribs have bars which are too wide, and unfortunately, this might end in the baby slipping through and getting caught in between. If you have checked the crib and the bars prove to have a large gap, then the best thing to do is to grab a cloth and weave it between the bars. Also, if the baby is big enough to push up, make sure to remove all pillows, toys and bumpers that might be in the crib, because the little one might step on these items and fall out.
Alternatively, parents with older children might want to put the baby down in a clean and enclosed space. A playpen with a see-through mesh is ideal because it keeps the child safe and the parent is able to see what the little one is up to.

2. Double check the kitchen
One of the most dangerous areas of any home where a child can easily get hurt is the kitchen. For example, every parent gets chills when a child approaches a seemingly hot stove. To avoid unnecessary stress and make sure that the child does not get a serious burn, it is a great idea to consider getting a stove guard. In addition, make sure to use only the back burners on the stove for cooking purposes. As an extra step, do not forget to keep all the hot foods and drinks away from the edge of the counter so the child does not attempt to reach out and grab it. Also, put away all the knives, forks and sharp objects, or just have these items locked in special cabinets.

3. Enjoyable bath time
Bath time is certainly a favorite among children of all ages and it is clear to see why. Add a bit of bubble to the warm water and a fun squeaky toy and you have a happy kid in an instance! Nevertheless, bathtubs can be very dangerous if the child is left unattended. For example, smaller children can easily drown in the water if unsupervised! So, if you get a sudden phone call or if you need to answer the door, remember to take your child with you. Also, a lot of children like climbing into the tub (and out of it) all by themselves. To ensure that the child does not slip on the wet bathroom floors and to prevent injury, one should shop around for quality safety steps and stools. This way, parents do not have to worry about mopping up the floor too often.

4. Get a fireplace gate
A fireplace can add a ton of romance and warmth to any area of the home, but it can also be one of the most dangerous features yet. This is especially true if you have hyperactive and curious children in your household who like to get a bit too close to the source of warmth. To ensure that the child is safe and secured from getting a serious burn, it is best to invest in an innovative fireplace gate. A fireplace gate is the perfect solution to keep the child away from the fire without actually having to extinguish the gorgeous flames.

5. Lock the cabinets
Another difficulty parents may have with children is stopping them from opening different doors and other various unsafe areas of the house (where you might be storing a bunch of dangerous products, such as pesticides or cleaning products). To make sure that the cabinets are secured and child-safe, it is best to install an interior latch or a sturdy external lock. Nevertheless, homeowners try to stay away from external locks, because they need to be put back on every time the cabinet needs to be opened and closed. Of course, if the safety of the child is your biggest concern, then experts recommend installing both an interior latch and an external lock. As a more practical and cost-effective alternative, parents might want to do a good deal of research about installing internal cabinet or drawer locks. Even though this option might be a bit time consuming, it does not have to be re-attached each time the cabinets and drawers need to be opened.


All in all, by following some of these steps it is certain that at least your home will be safe and secure for your child to wonder around and freely explore. Remember to enjoy spending time with your family and relax!